Thursday, May 7, 2009

Shhh...Baby Sleeping!

Just a quick shout out to God with some thanks for good sleep....good sleep from Xavier that is!

Before our move I was terrified that X was going to go into a major sleep regression with all the change. Well, he did, somewhat, during our stop over at my parents house. Despite the fact that we brought his crib, rocking chair, and kept his nighttime rituals exactly the same, within the first 4 nights of us staying with my parents X went from an "I put myself to sleep and sleep all night" kiddo to a "you must rock me to sleep and I will get up during the night for anywhere between 1-3 hours and refuse to be put back in the crib" kiddo. I cringed (and cursed) those first few nights. Thankfully within a week or so he was back to his normal routine going to sleep on his own and for the most part sleeping all night.

So, when we got set to move locations again I fully intended to see the return of the sleep regression monster. To my surprise X has kept to his routine, for the most part, in the 2 weeks we've been in the new house. Last night he even slept 12 hours straight! Right now as I type I can hear his slow soft breathing in the monitor as he rests peacefully in his room. With all the exhaustion of moving and unpacking, I am truly thankful for the gift of his sleeping which has allowed me to sleep as well.

And on that note it is off to bed I go.....

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