Friday, May 22, 2009


Back before we moved I made a list of things to post about "Xavier at 15 months". Well, I lost the list in the move but found it today. So, since he is now 17 months, I thought I'd still post it and do a comparison to see if anything has changed in the last 2 months.

Black is 15 months and Green is 17 months:
  • Says "Yes" to almost everything you ask him (True, although he's adding more words to his little collection and still doesn't say NO yet)
  • Still loves to roll and carry his sports bottles (ABSOLUTELY! And, he has his very own cabinet to store them in our new kitchen)

  • Tries to reach in and sneak Skipit (his pup that he sleeps with) out of the crib sometimes during the day (Currently we do not leave the door open to X's room during the day because we ripped out the carpet. While we are waiting on the new stuff to arrive there are exposed tack strips around the perimeter of the room so he's only in there to sleep right now)

  • Terrified of the Frosty the Snowman musical book (Yes -- the book is hidden)

  • Sleeps all night 10-11 hours (With all the outdoor play lately he's sometimes up to 12 hours a night!!!)

  • LOVES Books (Still a favorite -- he will chase you around the house with a book until you stop and read it to him)

  • Takes off socks after every meal (Isn't this weird?? Still does it though!)

  • Likes to wander down the street (Now that we live at the bottom of a court it's more like UP the street)

  • Wears 5 1/2 shoes and 18-24 month clothes (Now in a size 6 shoe and mostly 24 month or 2T)

  • Takes 1 nap a day after lunch (Yep!)

  • Weighs 26lbs and is 32 inches tall (Scale at home says he's 28lbs now and I'm not sure how tall)

  • Enjoys handing things to people (Yep!)

  • Takes the mustard bottles out of the refrigerator whenever it is open (And now that we have an open stairwell to the basement he throws them over the baby gate)

  • Fascinated with mommy's makeup (My poor bronzer went into a million pieces last week after he dropped it on the slate floor)

  • Hands me my face lotion every morning while getting dressed (Lately he's more interested in shaking the mouthwash bottle)

  • Would suck on his Binky all day long if we let him (He'll probably want to take that thing to college with him!)

  • Has had 5 haircuts (Now 6)

Here's my boy at 15 months --

And at 17 months --

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