Saturday, September 27, 2008

9 Month Checkup

Xavier had his 9 month checkup on Tuesday. He is a proud 22 lbs 3 oz now and over 29 inches long. I guess working on his solid food has helped him because he gained over 5 lbs in 3 months and grew 2 1/2 inches! Our little man did well with the 2 shots that he got and received a clean bill of health from the doctor. We were given the go ahead to introduce some dairy (but not straight milk) into his diet, so we'll be trying out yogurt and cheese pretty soon. Xavier had his first taste of black beans and cornbread yesterday and seemed to enjoy both. His favorite fruits right now seem to be bananas and pears. He's started cruising around the coffee table and is getting pretty fast with his push cart. My munchkin seems to be growing up quickly the past few weeks. I think it's the fact that he's becoming a little more independant - likes to feed himself, scoots around, walks with help, etc. Here's a cute pic of him sitting in the trunk of my car the other day. Thanks to Grandma Dee for the great garage sale find shoes!

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