Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What Is So Exciting About These??
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas with the Crank
X helping me blow out my candles
What every little boy wants for Christmas....a toothbrush!
Unwrapping a present (and of course much more interested in the paper!)
Dishtowel bib for Christmas dinner
What are you talking about Mommy, I'm not cranky!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Catching Up
In other news, as we get ready to celebrate the holidays our counter once again looks like this....
Walter came down with something over the weekend. He had a lovely sinus infection last Christmas, I believe. I think I had one the year before at Christmas. Santa, can you please bring us something else next year!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Grandpa Walter Comes to Town
Here's a shot of "The Three Walters" one morning before my Walter headed off to work (thus the lovely pinstripe polyester uniform shirt!). Disregard the bed head on 2 of the 3 Walters. Since Xavier's middle name is Walter he gets to be a Walter. My Walter really wanted to name our baby Walter III if it was a boy but I wasn't so keen on the idea since it gets confusing to have 2 people of the same name in the same house. I mean, I'm confused just writing Walter so many times in this post! Walter as a middle name was a good compromise.
While Grandpa Walter was in town we went to Hodak's in the city for dinner one night with the Deeken clan. Great Grandma Gloria looks outnumbered in this picture with all the boys. Glad I was there to up the girl count.
Xavier opened an early Christmas gift from Grandpa Walter. He seemed to like tearing open the wrapping paper. What is the gift, you ask......
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
One Year Ago Today....
My how things change in a year.....
One year ago this shirt seemed like it would never fit this 9 lb baby. (a gift from Uncle Brett!)
And now it's almost getting too small on this 25 lb one year old!
We took this picture the day we came home from the hospital. I made the stocking but we didn't have the name on it yet since we didn't know what we were having.
It's certainly not a mystery anymore!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....
I can barely walk now!
Despite me saying that I wanted a small tree this year, we ended up getting a pretty good sized one. I swear it looked smaller on the lot than when we got it home! Of course Walter loves big trees so he wasn't going to say anything and knows good and well that my spacial estimation ability is not very good!
So we got it all lit and decorated the next night. You'll notice a lack of ornaments on the bottom front -- just a few soft ones so as not to temp X too much. He actually has shown almost no interest in the tree at all.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Favorite Things
- Big wooden spoons and wire whisks - He loves to chew them, swing them, and carry them around the house.
- Opening and Closing ANYTHING - The "most favorite" include the cabinets, the microwave, the dryer, and the shower doors.
- Bananas and Turkey - Not in the same bite though.
- Clapping - X celebrates just about everything with a clap, and also for no reason at all.
- Being Held - Everywhere except church that is!
- Brushing Teeth - I think he just likes the taste of the baby toothpaste, but he willingly opens his mouth and smiles when I come at him with the brush.
- Mommy and Daddy -- Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety have both set in and X keeps a close tab on us lately.
- His blue and white shoes -the kid has fat feet so shoes have been a challenge but he's got one favorite pair that he loves to wear, chew on, and carry around the house.
- The Binky -- God bless the Binky. It is by far X's most prized possession. We only let him have it when he's going to sleep or if he is super crabby, but I fully believe he'd have that thing plastered to his face all day long if we let him.
(This picture shows none of the above listed things, but it's just too darn cute not to post!)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Due Date
Looking back that week between my due date and Xavier's birth seems like a blur. I was not sleeping, nervous, excited, and impatient. I worked from home for the first 2 days. Then I was officially on maternity leave despite the fact that there was no baby yet because my project was finally finished and I was pretty stressed out. So I met my good friend for a little Christmas shopping and a smoothie one night. I got a visit from an insurance guy to take pictures of my car that had been bumped the week before. I had a non-stress test to make sure the baby was still doing ok. I met my co-workers for lunch. Walter and I went out to dinner. I napped - a lot. I waited....waited....and waited. Time seemed to go by so slowly that week. And now 7 days from today "baby deeken" will already be 1 year old.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Do I Look Pretty ??
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Woody and a Wisk
The Rams may not be doing so well, but X is still sporting his gear because he looks cute in a joggin suit. Here I tried to get him to sit in this pink chair for a picture. He wasn't too sure about it.
We started putting up Christmas decorations and Walter took this shot. I hate it. I look like I'm pregnant (which I'm most certainly not!) Maybe I'll get him photography lessons for Christmas so he can learn to get me at a better angle!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Visiting Santa
Walter and I were already thinking that he would cry on Santa's lap because his stranger anxiety is pretty high right now. So, the fence incident pretty much sealed the deal on that one! Let's go see Santa......
Not even the binky could make things better.
So ends our visit to see Santa. Maybe next year........