Our beautiful daughter, Talia Mardelle, was born on July 14, 2015 at 12:22am. She weighed 8lb 9oz. We are in love with this little girl.
About her name: Talia was on our list from when we had Wesley. We came back to it and it was really the only name we could agree on! Mardelle was my maternal grandmother's middle name.
Here's the quick version of Talia's birth...
An ultrasound at 38 weeks revealed this baby was getting big. Since I have a history of large, late babies, and was intending to have another VBAC I opted to be induced a little early, on July 13th (3 days prior to my due date). I labored all day and after pushing for 2 hours that evening, baby girl was not coming out for various reasons. I ended up with an emergency C-section at midnight and she was finally born at 12:22am. Not the birth I had intended, but she was here and healthy so I tried to focus on that. I ended up with complications from the birth so my hospital stay was no fun...I just really didn't feel good and kept all visitors away except for immediate family. The food was amazing though and so was the nursing staff...and I had a precious baby girl with me so it wasn't all bad :)
A few days after Talia was born we finally made it home and our life with 4 kids began!!!