Friday, August 23, 2013

Random Summer Fun

We've done a lot this summer. It's been unseasonable cool so we were able to get outside more than usual in July and August. 

 Tractor rides with grandpa.
E riding "scrambler" as the boys have named it. 

Walter took the boys strawberry picking while I was gone for the weekend. 

We did VBS at our church. X and W attended, I worked, E just joined the picture for kicks :)

We also did another VBS with our good friends Scout and Cooper

My best friend Sara has this adorable baby girl, Bria.

 On Father's day we took the family and my dad to the Transportation Museum. 

The older boys and I headed back to Kansas to see my good friend Shana for a few days. This time more friends (Hilary and Aiden) came with us!

We had 6 little boys 8 and under (and we left 2 more at home!) I love having other "boy mom" friends who just understand the loud rough crazy zoo I live in!

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