Monday, July 2, 2012

Another Photo Dump

Catching up on all this posting is leaving me a bit tapped out on the fancy storytelling. So I bring you yet another photo dump of random stuff.

The many faces of my boys. I swear the 2nd one of Wes looks like a mugshot!

Wes decided one night that he wanted to take "big ol bunny" to bed with him. Ha! He looks tiny compared to that stuffed animal monstrosity.

I made this fruit pizza for our bible study dessert recently. YUM YUM!!! It was so good.

The sign of a fun morning.  

Xavier was so tired one afternoon he fell sound asleep while eating an apple and peanut butter. Can you see the piece of apple hanging out of the side of his mouth??

Elliott looking a little fearful. He's smart. Wesley was pulling the wagon, and you just never know what might happen!

Elliott LOVES to play with the little kitchen. He's very partial to chewing on the celery and waving forks around. 

Wes tried to convince me to get him this soccer ball chair the other day while we were at a furniture store. It was cute, but about the last thing I needed to bring home. He kept saying "We can take this to our house mommy."

I'm in the process of redoing my bedroom from top to bottom (more on that soon). I was going to use this Eiffel tower lamp from my grandma, but it was too tall for the space. So X decided it would make a great garage for his cars. He had them hanging all over it.

1 comment:

dklicata said...

E reminds me of Mark Patera (when he was a baby) in that photo of him in the wagon. Do you agree?