Sunday, March 11, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

This past week at my MOPS group we made a craft called "Resurrection Eggs". It is a wonderful thing for preschoolers to teach the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus in a fun and simple way. My kids LOVE these. When I first brought it home Xavier played with it for 2 hours straight. (And that pretty much never happens). 

You start with an egg carton and put a piece of construction paper and paper with the family name on top of the carton. We added a couple stickers as well.

Inside are plastic eggs numbered 1-12.

Inside each egg is a small item that represents a portion of the Crucifixion story.  

Then there is a sheet to tell you what each item means. It's a simple 1-2 sentence explanation that the kids can remember. 

Here's what it says. In parentheses is the item used since you can't tell very well in the pictures.

1. The Leaf  (single silk leaf - any kind)- On palm Sunday, Jesus came into town riding a donkey. The people waved palm branches and shouted Hosanna!

2. Oyster Crackers (2 or 3) - On the night before Jesus was arrested he and his disciples had a special dinner. they broke and ate unleavened bread.

3. Flower (small single silk flower) - Jesus went to a special garden to pray with his disciples.

4. Coin (plastic token coin) - Judas told the soldiers where to find Jesus. they gave him 30 pieces of money.

5. Whip (piece of leather shoe lace) - The soldiers whipped Jesus.

6. Crown of Thorns (prickly ball from a tree) - They put a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.

7. Dice - Soldiers played a dice game to see who would win Jesus' clothes.

8. Nails (2-3 small) - They nailed Jesus to the cross.

9. Sponge - They offered Jesus water and vinegar on a sponge.

10. Linen Cloth (small piece of linen fabric) - They wrapped Jesus' body in linen clothes.

11. Rock - The soldiers rolled a huge rock in front of the tomb where Jesus body lay.

12. Empty Egg - On the morning of the third day the tomb was empty. Jesus rose again. HE LIVES!

Like I said, Xavier has loved this. Wesley loves it too, but we have to be really careful with him because he's a little rough with the eggs :)

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