Thursday, November 17, 2011

Elliott - 4 Months

Nothing says Happy 4 Month Birthday like a white terry cloth jumpsuit!

So, here's the scoop on Elliott:

The official stats are 17lbs 3oz and 26 1/4 inches. He's a big boy! And mommy has a sore neck and back to prove it :) Elliott is wearing 6-9 month clothing  (more 9 than 6) and even a few 12 month things. All our boys have been long so they tend to grow out of things quicker.

Elliott is such a ham. He has the best smile and shows it off all the time. He likes to laugh and I can even get him to do that deep belly laugh. This past week he's started blowing bubbles. E might be starting to teeth a bit. He's taken to chewing on his hands as well as blankets, rings, or whatever he can get to. Speaking of getting to, E has been reaching for things for a couple of weeks now. His grasp is strong once he finally gets a hold of something. Elliott is also starting to pull his head up more and more as if he wants to sit. The boy loves to "stand" and will even "walk" a few steps (with assistance of course). Tummy time is going well and he pushes himself up to look around. No rolling over yet though.

Little man is a good eater. He is still nursing exclusively but has spread out to a more manageable 2-3 ish hour eating routine. But he won't take a bottle. We keep trying, and he keeps refusing. He gave me a total "you are an idiot mom if you think I'm going to take this" kind of look the other day. I'm clearly never getting a night out in the near future! And while he does still spit up every day, it's getting better.

Another thing E doesn't like is the carseat. we go again. He was doing good for awhile but is back to hating it. It doesn't really help that it's dark at 5pm now too because what he hates even more is being in the carseat in the dark. So, we drive with the light on above his seat and are constantly turning around trying to sooth him. I'm trying to limit his time in the car, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.

Elliott is taking a pacifier much much better now, so that is a good comfort for him. He likes to have something soft up next to his face sometimes too. E likes the bumbo, the swing, and the activity gym for a bit. He does strongly prefer to be held though. I'm thinking of trying the exersaucer this week.

I'm sad to report that Elliott is a TERRIBLE sleeper at night. And very hit or miss during the day. You would think with the third child I might have this figured out by now. NOPE. Right now we seem to be in a pattern where he will sleep about 3 hours when you first put him down. After that he's up about every hour or so until morning. The issue is that he wakes up (I think at the end of a sleep cycle) and just can't put himself back to sleep. So it requires me putting the pacifier back in, or feeding him, or holding him, or something. I'm not a fan of cry it out because it just makes me me more upset and crazy at seeing him get upset. He's still in our room so that makes it more of a challenge too. I move him from the pack n play, to our bed, to the bouncy seat, etc. But nothing is magic. It will get better......  In the meantime I will just put on more makeup to cover the dark circles and curse the people who write on Facebook "my 2 month old is sleeping through the night". Yeah, good for you!!! (I'm not bitter or anything).

Elliott loves his brothers. Except when they are too loud, then he cries. But for the most part they are good entertainment because they rarely sit still. Xavier calls Elliott "my baby" and Wesley is very protective of Elliott's things saying "dat's a Eyet's (whatever)". 

We are so happy to have Elliott as part of our family. I can't wait for him to be running around interacting more with Xavier and Wes. How fun it will be!

Happy 4 Months baby boy!!!!

1 comment:

JulieL said...

He could not be more adorable! His smile actually melts my heart. I am sorry to hear about the sleepless nights, but maybe this bodes well for thier teenage years (wishful thinking, speaking). Let's lunch soon, love these updates. - Jules