This past Thursday I hopped on a plane for the first time in over two years. Elliott and I took a little 3 day trip to Atlanta to visit Aunt Donna, Uncle Chuck, and Uncle Cuzzie. My mom and Walter were kind enough to wrangle Wes and Xavier for a few days while I was gone. I actually couldn't even tell the boys where I was going because they would have wanted to come with me!
I'm not gonna felt amazing to only have 1 child to take care of for 3 days. While I did miss the boys, it was a VERY much needed break from my every day routine. Because let's face it, 80% of the time I feel overwhelmed by my life right now.
We had the best time and appreciate the hospitality of my aunt and uncle more than they will ever know. It was so good to relax, catch up with my family - having actual real uninterrupted conversations, and let them meet Elliott. They also have something we don't.....TV! I was completely gluttonous in my TV watching while I was there. I soaked up all the trash TV I could (aka - 2 hour special on Kim Kardashian's wedding). We also watched The Color Purple, which I had never seen. Wonderful movie!
Elliott was a dream child in Atlanta. He was happy all the time and slept a bunch (except at night, but he never sleeps good at night). We went out to eat THREE, yes, THREE times (can you tell I don't get out much) and he slept through the entire meal each time. I was actually able to enjoy my meal and have conversations with other adults. It was crazy I tell ya!! I was also not a slave to the nap schedule of the older boys for 3 days (because E slept on the go) and went out in the middle of the day - a rare treat :) I could tell that E really enjoyed the quiet and continuous attention. It did make me a little sad to see that though because it's just not something I can provide at home. It's loud here with 2 other kids and I can't hold him ALL day long.
I don't need a luxury spa resort to feel great. Just give me a few days of not having to fill sippy cups and asking "are you listening to me" 1000 times and I'm like a changed woman :) Of course reality smacked me across the face the second I got in the car at the airport when I came home. Oh well.
I didn't check a bag for the trip. I took a diaper bag and 1 small carry on that had both of our stuff for 3 days. I had to laugh at myself as I was packing for this trip at how different things are with your 3rd child. When I took Xavier to Atlanta for the first time (he was almost the exact same age) I took a ridiculous amount of stuff, right down to his own hooded towel for a bath - seriously??!! I was also nursing, pumping, and supplementing with Xavier. I had brought my pump, formula, bottles, cold milk, etc. This time around all E's food was...well, on me!
Unfortunately I was so relaxed on this trip that I didn't even get out my camera. But I did snap this cute pic of Elliott and Aunt Donna with my phone (sorry, it's grainy).
Thank you Donna and Chuck for opening your home to us. It was quite a trip to remember!
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