Sunday, July 17, 2011

Elliott Levi

Thirteen days late, but totally worth the wait!

Elliott Levi joined our family at 5:57pm yesterday, July 16th. He weighed in at 9 lbs 3 oz and 22 1/2 inches long. He's a BIG baby! (X had him beat at 9lbs 6 oz though!) It just kinda feels like de-ja-vu every time I have a baby because all my boys look the same at birth!

So, THREE BOYS. (I might need a padded room to survive this!) We are really excited to have Elliott here and he's doing great so far.

I went into labor Friday night around 10pm and Elliott was born just a quick 19 hours later. Yes, I say quick seeing that Wesley's labor was 46 hours. This felt like lightening speed to us!

Xavier and Wesley came to meet Elliott this morning. They wore their big brother shirts and looked adorable! Xavier is in LOVE!!!! He wanted to hold him, kiss him, and kept asking when he was coming to our house. Wes, on the other hand, gave Elliott the total cold shoulder. He would barely acknowledge that Elliott was in the room. Wesley was more interested in pushing the stroller around the room and standing on the window sill It was so funny. He even told Walter "NO" when Walter asked Wes to give Elliott a kiss. Looks like we're gonna have some work to do!

We tried to get a family photo but it didn't go so well. It is so strange to look at this and think that all these kids are ours!

Thanks to everyone for all the emails and messages leading up to Elliott's birth. Sorry I didn't return many of them. I just became overwhelmed with the waiting process.

It's been nice to have some down time and a little relaxation here in the hospital. That will all change when I get back home :)

(I have pictures of the grandparents meeting their newest grandson, but blogger is now locking up as I try to upload more pics. I will have to try that again later. )


Andrea said...

Yay! Yay! So wonderful! So beautiful!!!! This is the best ever and so happy for you guys!

Nina, you just look radiantly beautiful too btw!

KatolinFamily said...

Congratulations! He is a beautiful baby and I agree...he looks just like his brothers. You look amazing too! I am glad the wait is finally over for you. I'm sure it was tough. Enjoy that snuggly baby time!

Julie Lowery said...

You look wonderful Nina & you are 110% right, all your guys look the same when they are born :) I cannot wait to meet him and I hope you are feeling ok. Talk to you soon! - Jules

Nancy Burbach said...

Congrats!!! Elliott is so precious! I am so happy for all of you and wish you the best with three little ones!?!??!! Oh well, that's what grandparents are for, right?? Take care-

Kim M. said...

Congratulations!!! I'm not surprised by Xavier's reaction at all, he seems to love babies! Can't wait to meet Elliot.

Joan said...

He is definitely a Deeken brother! What a sweetheart and sooo big (compared to Anthony!). Can't wait to see him. You look great, Nina.