Tuesday, November 9, 2010

10 Months {Wesley}

Wesley is now 10 months old (as of Nov 1st - I'm a little late getting to this). He's about 20 lbs now and is wearing 12-18 month clothing. He's a little smaller and shorter than X was at this age. Wesley's hair is getting longer and blonder. His eyes have stayed bright blue and have not taken on the multi color thing that Xavier and I have.

Wesley is a climber. He will try to climb pretty much anything. Case in point, he now climbs UP the dishwasher. He climbed face first into a laundry basket full of clothes the other day too.

Wes has graduated from the infant carseat to his new convertible carseat. He was pretty excited as you can see. I had it in the living room for a day and he climbed in and out of it continuously. He was even more excited about the box too! We got him an Evenflo Triumph and we LOVE these carseats. They are soooo easy to use.

 We are trying lots of new foods with Wesley. Lately I've noticed he really likes meat. Despite only having a couple of teeth he can get little pieces of chicken, hamburger, and pork down pretty well. Wesley is also eating yogurt and cheese, big people oatmeal, hummus, and goldfish crackers. Much to my dismay he does NOT like sweet potatoes (I still sneak them in anyway though). He is still nursing although he's cut back during the day. He doesn't have much interest in nursing unless he's tired.

Mama is still Wes' favorite word, but he's adding more sounds. Wes can say Dada and Hi too. He's also trying to "sing along" with me sometimes. He recently learned to clap and loves to do pat-a-cake. Wes has started to make some really funny faces. He loves looking at books lately and is following in his big brother's footsteps of playing with race cars. Wes loves his daddy too. When Walter comes home Wes will crawl right up to him and demand to be picked up.

Wesley LOVES to be naked. He's taking some steps everyday, but is not a consistent walker. But if you take off his clothes he's all about trying to walk across the room. Guess he likes the "free" feeling :)

We are FINALLY making some progress with sleep. Our little man has just learned how to put himself to sleep for naps and night time. He's doing really well. He doesn't really cry, just lays in the crib and talks to himself. Wes is still getting up in the night, but he's up less and can be settled pretty easily. He is also taking more consistent naps - a little over an hour in the morning and about 2 hours in the afternoon.

I know there is so much more, but I'm tired so I'll end it there. Happy 10 Months Wessa Blessa!

1 comment:

dklicata said...

Happy 10 months Wes! We love your sweet personality and monkey shines too! Keep on climbing, just have the band-aids close by !!