Tuesday, September 7, 2010

{Wesley} 8 Months

Wesley turned 8 months old last week (I'm a little late in getting to this). A lot has changed in the past two months!

- Wes is about 19lbs now and he is growing out of all many of his summer clothes. We need fall to get here soon so we can mix in some bigger sized long sleeve stuff!

- Wes has 1 tooth now. He got is right around his 8 month birthday. It's in the front on the bottom. The one next to it is getting close to popping through as well.

- Our little man is a crawling machine. He gets all over the house very quickly. He also pulls up on anything he can get ahold of. He's been getting good use of his "baby Leggs" legwarmers to protect his knees from the hard floors.

- We are continuing to introduce new foods. In addition to nursing, Wes is now eating solids at lunch and dinner, occasionally at breakfast, and a few snacks here and there. He loves puffs and biter biscuits which are helpful to keep him occupied in the high chair when we are eating dinner. He generally eats rice cereal once a day and we've introduced a wide variety of fruits and veggies. We've already determined he's much more of a fan of fruits than veggies. But he'll eat almost anything if you put a dab of applesauce at the front of the spoon to disguise the veggie behind it :) I'm not sure he'll be spoon-fed much longer though because he's getting better at feeding himself chunks of real food and seems to prefer that. He also knows how to drink from a sippy cup now and loves water.

- I wish I could say that he's sleeping through the night now, but that would be a lie. Sleep continues to be a challenge sometimes, but he's getting better. Wes now takes 2 naps a day for anywhere between 40 minutes  - 2 hours each. He's sleeping 10-11 hours at night and lately has been getting up only once, maybe twice. Things change at any given moment with him and sleep though so I don't like to fool myself into thinking we're on to something when he has a few decent nights.

- The honeymoon is over between Xavier and Wes. Xavier is no longer Wes' favorite person, mommy is. Why you ask? Because mommy can save him from the torture of his older brother! Yes, now that Wes is mobile and grabby, Xavier feels the need to protect his stuff. This often results in Wes getting pushed in the head by X. It's been a difficult couple of weeks around here with lessons in kindness and sharing. Xavier does like to be with Wes and wants love on him and wrestle with him. Sometimes Wes is ok with that, but Wes isn't exactly a fan of having a 34lb kid laying on him. I can't blame him!

- In addition to moving around, Wes is more vocal now too. His first and only word is Ma Ma (melt my heart!!) which he likes to repeat over and over when crawling around to find me. He is starting to make the "ba" sound. He laughs all the time and likes to blow raspberries too.

- By far his favorite toy right now is the floor registers. Ugh! He's driving me insane with pulling them up and licking them. I've started securing them to the floor with packing tape. Xavier polices him too. I'll hear "No No Wessa" and X putting the register back in the slot.

Happy 8 months Wessa Blessa! Looking forward to your first Halloween next month!

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