Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You're Gonna Miss These Days


Am I going to miss X getting up at 5:30am?
Am I going to miss W simultaneously pooping on the changing table, peeing on the wall, and spitting up all over his shirt?
Am I going to miss X sitting down in the neighbor's driveway and crying at the top of his lungs because he didn't get his way?
Am I going to miss X leaving the refrigerator door wide open for a good 15 minutes until I notice it and thus all the cold air is gone?
Am I going to miss W pulling out a big ol chunk of my hair right in the front?
Am I going to miss W waking up just as I crawl into bed and get comfy?
Am I going to miss fixing breakfast and then having X refuse to eat anything but watermelon?
Am I going to miss the huge puddle of water on the kitchen floor that resulted from X "helping" me give W a bath in the sink?
Am I going to miss being clocked in the head with the school bus toy?

Nah, I love my kids but I don't think I'm going to miss THIS day!


dklicata said...

Believe WILL !!

Ruth said...

What a great post! I totally hear you on the 'wake-up call' JUST when you get in bed and maybe almost asleep. I don't miss that with Noelle AT ALL and I have a feeling it's just going to be a state of being with twins (hopefully for just a while!).