Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You're Gonna Miss These Days


Am I going to miss X getting up at 5:30am?
Am I going to miss W simultaneously pooping on the changing table, peeing on the wall, and spitting up all over his shirt?
Am I going to miss X sitting down in the neighbor's driveway and crying at the top of his lungs because he didn't get his way?
Am I going to miss X leaving the refrigerator door wide open for a good 15 minutes until I notice it and thus all the cold air is gone?
Am I going to miss W pulling out a big ol chunk of my hair right in the front?
Am I going to miss W waking up just as I crawl into bed and get comfy?
Am I going to miss fixing breakfast and then having X refuse to eat anything but watermelon?
Am I going to miss the huge puddle of water on the kitchen floor that resulted from X "helping" me give W a bath in the sink?
Am I going to miss being clocked in the head with the school bus toy?

Nah, I love my kids but I don't think I'm going to miss THIS day!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Now I Can Take Pics Everywhere

I don't always have my camera, but my phone is usually within arms reach. Recently we upgraded and now I have one that takes pictures - yeah! So, here's a bunch of randomness that's been in my phone! Bear with me, there's a bunch......

X doing some shopping at Trader Joe's. Why doesn't every store have little carts for kids?? They are so much fun. This pic is a bit misleading though because we don't actually buy milk at TJs. We drink a lot of milk and $4.50 a gallon for organic milk just isn't in the budget. X was simply admiring the different colors of caps on the milk.

Wes just being cute in the exersaucer. This pic is the background on my phone. Makes me smile!

X got his own cone at Culvers for the first time ever. Usually we share ice cream. Now I know why :) He promptly ruined this shirt, but loved every second of it.

Meeting Curious George at the library. I can't believe the lady that offered to take the picture cut off CG's head.

This one cracks me up. I was cleaning the house and tied this scarf in a bow on X's head. He then decided he wanted to eat some pretzels while sitting in the laundry basket. Oh, and if you look close you'll see the famous GREEN BOWL sitting with him as well.

Auntie Donna giving X some love when she was in town. Come back soon Auntie Donna!!

Setting up for a garage sale at my grandma's. The little girl next door came out and she let X play with her remote control Barbie car. It just had a forward button and a back button so it was easy for him to operate. He didn't want to give it back!

Riding the school bus at the mall. These things are a rip off though. Seventy five cents for about 30 seconds of back and forth with a stupid voice in the background.

We were getting ready to leave the house and X decided he wanted to rub Wes' head. Doesn't Wes look thrilled?
He doesn't eat yet, but we busted out the high chair for Wes to sit in to play while we eat. He's too strong for the bumbo and the bouncy seat. X even gave him a sippy to play with.

This pic brings back a not so fond memory. I had a coupon for a free oil change at a dealership. So I haul the kids up there.....and the power goes my oil change ended up taking 2 hours....and both kids pooped while we were in the waiting area...and X poured a bag of goldfish out all over a chair. But at least they had this camo golf gater on the showroom floor for X to play on!

Walter and I went to a trivia night and we took Wes with us. He partied through most of the event but finally fell asleep on Walter's lap with a plastic spoon in his hand.

This is Wes sleeping in his car seat in the hallway of my grandma's condo during her garage sale. I had to keep him where I could see and hear him since there was no baby monitor. The sale was inside and out (but not in the hallway). I can't tell you how many people did a double take into the hallway and then asked if he was for sale!
My grandma had a hospital stay recently and we went to visit. X decided she might get her strength back quicker if he force fed her some Cheez-its.

I forget what X was doing here -- I think it might have been singing a song?? Pretty funny though, eh!

Ok, so there you have it. I think this post also ends my marathon of bloggin this week. I'm caught up on all my pics so I'm sure I'll become lazy again and you may not hear from me for a week or so!

Friday, June 25, 2010

When You Just Keep Shooting

The boys were being pretty funny together when sitting on the counter a few weeks ago. I got out the camera and just started shooting. Some of the pics are blurry but oh well, we all know I hate my camera :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Stop In

The boys and I stopped in to see Uncle Brett recently. X got a guitar lesson.

I took a few pics of the boys in stripes.

And then X crashed HARD in the car on the way home. Too tired to even play racecars!

Mickey Pancakes

I know we are not the first to do it, and we won't be the last, but this was the first time we'd done it. Still with me?

We had Mickey Pancakes for breakfast!
It was a spur of the moment idea as I was pouring the batter. They were cute and X loved them! So I took a picture. And now I wish I would have taken it on a different plate so you could see it better, but oh well. Next time I'll get blueberries or something so I can make a face too!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Before He Outgrows it I Better Take a Picture

I have a running list of things I need to apologize to Wes for when he's older. Being the second child he gets the shaft sometimes. I have a zillion pictures of X in the little tubby but NONE of Wesley. So the other night I thought it was high time to snap a few shots seeing as I don't think he'll be in the little tubby too much longer. As you can see, Wes was very happy to have a little photo shoot. He's just so stinkin cute!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Swimsuit Season...ugg

The other night after Walter got home from work we took the boys up to the pool. It was our first swim of the season and Wes' first swim EVER! I've not been brave enough to take them on my own. Just seems a little too dangerous to me. X still needs to be watched pretty closely and Wes is too little for sunscreen so he needs to stay in the shade. Plus going alone with both of them just sounds exhausting! I digress.....

I love this pool because it's totally geared for little people and doesn't draw the crowd that the main pool does. X got right in like he owned the place. He's able to go on the slide all by himself this year and it seems like he's grown at least a foot because he could walk much further into the water before it got too deep for him to balance.

Wes seemed to like the pool as well. I wasn't surprised though because he's a huge fan of the bath. We forgot his floaty thing so he mostly just hung out near the side with his toes in the water and played with a measuring cup.

Please take note as well of how I strategically place children in front of me when being photographed in a swimsuit. Mama ain't no fool! Nothing smacks you in the face saying "hey lady it's time to loose the rest of the baby weight" better than when the swimsuit you wore last year at 5 months pregnant fits just about the same this year! Uggg....

Walter was there despite the lack of pics (but his leg is in picture #1).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Now That's Being REALLY Tired

Yesterday we went to the baptism of sweet little Imogen Curry. She was adorable in her white outfit and had the cutest little ankle bracelet with a cross on it. The baptism was very nice and we are so happy for the Curry family. Unfortunately the couple of pictures I tried to take during the service came out so blurry you can't even tell who's in them. I must of had my camera on the wrong setting.

When we headed for home we ran through Lion's Choice for a roast beef and fries. X was tired and I wanted him to have some lunch before he napped since we had a bit of a drive. He was quiet for a few minutes and I looked back to see that he'd fallen asleep....WITH A FRENCH FRY HANGING HALFWAY OUT OF HIS MOUTH! Guess he was just that tired. A few minutes later he moved and it fell out but what I didn't realize was that the other half of the fry was still in his mouth. And when he woke up he just resumed chewing like it was no big thing! Only a kid.......