Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh Elmo

X received a singing Elmo doll for his birthday from Gpa Walter. And, oh my, is he in love! X first learned about Elmo from his diapers and a tub toy. We also have a couple of books with Elmo in them. But X had never seen an Elmo "in person". The look on his face as he opened this present was priceless. It was as if he was thinking "Oh Elmo, you are REAL....and you are HERE..... and you are for ME!" I couldn't get Elmo out of the box fast enough for him. X started hugging on Elmo and rubbing his face on Elmo's big ol eyes.

Then he laid down on the couch and just started saying "Oh Elmo, Oh Elmo".

Elmo sings the ABC's when you squeeze his hand and says 3 different phrases when you squeeze the E pillow attached to his shirt. Let's just say we've heard the ABC's quite a bit recently. Elmo quickly became X's new sidekick and had to go everywhere with us. Thankfully Elmo does have an off button in the back or it would have been a bad sight trying to rip Elmo from X to go into church on Christmas morning. I don't think the congregation would have appreciated continuous renditions of ABC's during the service.

X likes to pull Elmo in his wagon and show him things. This morning as X was unloading the dishwasher with me he starts saying "Show Elmo" and takes a cup over and puts it right up to Elmo's head. And at random points throughout the day X will realize that Elmo is not by his side. So he'll stop what he's doing, say "Oh Elmo" and go on a search through the house until he finds him.

I think these guys are going to be buddies for quite awhile!

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