(Car on your butt -- you can only get away with that look when you're a baby!)
Why did I ever think that having 1 child was hard? That was just silly. Having 2 is hard - wonderful - but hard. The new baby adrenaline I had going finally tapered off a few days ago and not I'm just worn out. And when I think about what I've actually done in the last several days it really isn't much to write home about. But I'm freakin exhausted!!!!
Sleep is here and there depending on the night. Wesley is starting to be somewhat of a night owl and didn't get the memo that this family likes to go to bed early. I'm getting anywhere from 4-7 hours of sleep a night (broken of course). I'd be getting more, but I have Xavier to balance as well and they are on somewhat different schedules (i say this as if Wesley is on a schedule already...um, no). Oh, and did I mention Xavier has a cold? Poor kiddo can't breathe real well and that's causing some sleep issues for him as well. I swear, how much you and your children sleep can really make or break your day. Like when Xavier got up at 4:45am yesterday it really BROKE my day!
I've mentioned that Wesley is a good eater. But that means I spend A LOT of my day nursing. And that's just time consuming with a newborn. While one might consider that time as somewhat of a rest, it's really not when you are trying to read, get out stickers, or draw a puppy for a toddler at the same time. And it never fails that Wesley will wake up screaming to eat just as I'm trying to fix a meal for Xavier or put him down for a nap.
The laundry around here lately is comical as well. I had forgotten how much laundry newborns create. I kid you not - Wesley went through 5 sets of jammies in 2 hours last night. He kept doing major spitups, or, my favorite one -- peeing out his jammies and all over my shirt as I held him! This was all in addition to the 3 outfits that he'd gone through during the day. And since it's winter you've got multiple layers per outfit. Then of course there is the laundry for the rest of the family. Yes, I'm a slave to the washing machine these days.
In my efforts to get as much sleep as I can I pretty much do nothing else but take care of children, then sleep when I can. I did manage to paint my toenails recently, but it took 4 days to actually make it happen. It's interesting how the other day I referred to having "alone time" as only having 1 of the kids awake. Um, how is that alone????
I need to figure out how to go places with 2 kids too. I went to Target the other day and realized that once I had 2 kids in the cart there was pretty much no room for anything else. Bummer! (And no, I didn't have my sling or Mei Tai with me or I could have used that for Wesley) I ended up balancing a pack of toilet paper on the sunshade of the infant seat, carrying things in 1 arm, and pushing the cart with the other arm. Oh yeah, I was lookin good!
I say this all with a smile though (well, kinda) because I know how fortunate I am to have 2 healthy and happy children to take care of. This crazy time will pass.....it WILL pass, right??!!!!!