Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend Wrap Up

Talk about a busy weekend! Friday night we had our good friends over to carve pumpkins. X pretty much had no interest in the carving because he was too busy playing in the ball pit with the kids and riding his tricycle all over the basement. But Walter and I were totally into it!! I took a bunch of pictures, but most of them are on my other computer and frankly, I'm too tired to go get them. Here's the finished products though.

The entire day of Halloween was beautiful. It finally stopped raining after what seemed like 15 days straight of rain. X and I decided to get outside and rake some leaves while Walter was inside prepping the hall bathroom to be painted. X was a great helper, although he wanted to put leaves in the bags AND take them back out.

After nap we went back outside to rake more leaves. This time Walter joined us. We ended up with 11 bags of leaves. We're not totally finished, but did get the bulk of them up.

Then it was time to get ready for the Halloween festivities. The grandparents came over to get their picture with Tigger before he went out on his candy hunt!

Once it got dark we snagged a quick family photo and were on our way. We only went to about 10 houses, but it was enough to get the experience. X wouldn't hold his candy bucket, but did like the pumpkin flashlight that gma Debbie gave him and the glowsticks that gma Tina brought for him.

We headed back to our house to hand out some candy. Looking at this picture now, I have no idea what this girl's costume is supposed to be? She looks like she's in normal clothes to me!

Here's Tigger ready to hand out candy. X has not really eaten that much candy, but that night we realized he definitely likes peanut butter cups.

After the trick-r-treaters died down we put X to bed and hung out with the neighbors next door who had a little party with a fire pit going on their driveway. It was nice to have some time with adults, yet still be close enough to home that the baby monitor worked!

Today was a "get stuff done" kind of day. Walter painted the hall bathroom and put in a new toilet in our basement bathroom. While he did that, I tackled a bunch of laundry, some random cleaning, kept X out of the paint, and made us all a yummy meatloaf and sweet potato dinner. We all managed to get in a nap as well!

Busy weekend indeed!

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