Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Friday night we took X to his first baseball game. We were invited by Walter's mom and her boyfriend. Since it was a night game my immediate thought was how X would fare staying up late. But, he did GREAT! I gave him a late nap that day and he was in a good mood the entire evening.

X was fascinated with the flip seats. It's the simple things in life, ya know!

X and his cheering partner, Woody, were making sure there were no bad calls.

We knew there was no way that X would sit in the seats the whole time, but there was plenty of space to let him run around behind our section when he got too squirmy.

He figured out he could climb on this and jump off. Again, it's the simple things in life!

I love his little outfit too. It was a hand me down from a good friend and was the perfect thing to wear to his first game!
Daddy and X cruisin around checkin out the scene.

I guess some people need sunglasses even when it's dark outside.

The stairs were also a highlight of the evening for X.

Photographic proof, that yes, I was at the game too! Here we took a break from baseball to read a book.

After the game we put X in his jammies for the car ride home and to our surprise he stayed awake almost the entire time. He finally fell asleep as we turned into our neighborhood at around 11:15pm. I feel old seeing that I can't remember the last time I was out that late!
We had a fabulous time and felt like real people being out after dark! Thanks Tina and Tom for inviting us!

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