Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I was tagged by some friends on Facebook to write 25 Random Things about me and thought I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and use it for a blog post as well. This works out seeing at I don't have my camera right now (see item 9) and haven't downloaded any new pics in over a week. So, here goes....

1. I just typed this all and forgot to save and lost it...ahhh!
2. I have never lived out of state but would like to.
3. I'm sure I'm tagging people that have already done this, but oh well. (ok, that one applies to Facebook since I don't really have enough blog followers to make it worth tagging here!)
4. I like to eat grilled cheese cut diagonally.
5. I don't like crowds -- i prefer small groups.
6. I don't color my hair -- have had highlights a few times, but don't like the hassle or the $$$$
7. I have only had 2 cars in my life - both SUVs.
8. I have regrets in life and wish that I didn't.
9. While I'm super organized I often misplace my camera (like yesterday -- left it at my brother's house)
10. I would like to read more.
11. I question my faith and often wonder if I'm Catholic just because I've always been Catholic.
12. I love Kraft Mac N Cheese (the powder cheese kind).
13. 80% of my clothes are from Target or resale shops.
14. While I love my kiddo, I envy the freedom of people who are not parents.
15. I'm addicted to reading blogs.
16. I have 1 brother and my parents are still married to each other.
17. I still wear my Senior Sweatshirt -- not very often, but it does have a place in my closet.
18. I haven't been away from my son for more than about 6 hours at a time since he was born (13 months) and even that long is VERY rare.
19. When I was little I wanted to be either an over the road truck driver or work on a lawn cutting crew. And I wanted my first car to be a GEO storm. (I'm 0 for 3)
20. I get frustrated with my every day life, but always know how lucky I am when you look at the big picture.
21. I won a butterfly CZ necklace in a drawing at KMART when I was 6.
22. I hate stuffed animals and anything with hearts on it.
23. I am trying to floss more.
24. If left unattended I could eat an entire box of Thin Mint cookies in one sitting!
25. I don't wear much makeup but put on chapstick 365 days a year.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Curryba said...

Love it! I learned a lot! Guess I'll return those four dozen stuffed animals with hearts on them I got you for Valentine's Day :((((( If we get together soon I'll make you a grilled cheese instead and cut it diagonally--MMMMM I totally agree the triangle cut makes it taste better!