Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Can Do It Myself

I'm not sure when kids really start to use a fork and spoon, but I figured I'd give it a try with X the other day. He likes to grab the spoon while I'm holding it and guide it to his mouth, so I wondered how he'd do completely on his own. When I was pregnant I bought an Ziploc bag full of baby spoons and toddler utensils from a garage sale. What a find! I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of that dollar. I pulled out the little curved fork and put pieces of scrambled egg on it then gave it to X. He did surprisingly well with it and ate the entire egg that way. So, of course I took pictures of his newest skill.

Open wide!

Goin in!

(disregard the lazy eyes -- the flash threw him off)

Ummm, that's good!
Oh, and on another good note, X has finally decided that it's ok to drink milk in the sippy cup! Yippee for small miracles. Now he won't be a 5 year old with a bottle.

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