Had I written this post at 5:30am this morning it would be drastically different at than it is now (just after 3pm). It would have been entirely a rant full of complaints. Now it will still have some of that, but I have a little more perspective and can grin (slightly).
I'm pretty much always disappointed in my plans for New Years so I've kind of just stopped making plans. This year we decided to do dinner, rent a movie, and call it a night. I was ok with that. We headed to Outback Steakhouse because we had a gift certificate and Walter started talking about Prime Rib on Monday. Well, we got there last night and there was a 2 hour wait even though we went "early". (I guess everyone else did too!) So we ended up at the Pasta House and that was fine. We had a nice meal and X ate spaghetti and rolls like they were going out of style! Then we went to Blockbuster where X ran all over the store (wear yourself out kid!) but then tripped and got a nasty carpet burn on his chin...time to go! Got home and it took over an hour to get X to go to sleep -- not a good thing. It was 9:30 before we started the movie, (X usually is asleep between 8-8:30) and 11:45pm when the movie was over. We went right to bed forgoing any watching the ball drop celebrations because I had a sneaking suspicion X would be up during the night. I should be a betting woman -- 3:50am and he's up. Normally you can sway him for 5 minutes, pop him back in the crib and that's it. Long story short, it's now 5am and we've rocked, we've swayed, he's been in our bed, and he's still wide awake..and feisty! I give up and take him downstairs where he starts to play. Walter and I sit on the couch commiserating about how we've only slept 4 hours and we hardly ever stay up past 10pm so why does he have to do this on the one night we stayed up a little?? We already battled it out getting X to sleep in the first place, isn't that enough? Meanwhile X is tooling around the living room like it's party time despite the fact that he's only slept 6 1/2 hours for the night. Fast forward to 5:55am and X is sitting in Walter's lap playing with a stuffed dog when this happens....
THANK YOU LORD!!! We quickly pop X back in his crib and go running to our bed saying "OK, now fall asleep as fast as you can because we don't know how long this will last." Thankfully we got to sleep another 3 hours. I mentioned awhile ago it would be nice to sleep until 9am, I just didn't know I'd have to be awake from 4-6am in order to get to do it!
So our first day of 2009 is another example of how we must expect the unexpected, take it in stride, and have patience. I mean after all, if X had slept all night I wouldn't have gotten this sweet picture, right? (no, I'm not that selfless, I would have gladly forgone the picture for some shut eye!)
Happy New Year to all -- I hope that someone out there went to a good party so I can live vicariously through you!