Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Me Monday

I found this on mckmama's blog and thought I'd participate. It's tagged as "being brutily honest and living to tell about it." So here goes...

  • I did NOT completely forget a bag of groceries at the store the other day and then wonder as I was loading up the car why $45 had only gotten me 2 bags worth of stuff - NOT ME, I'm way smarter than that.

  • After forgetting the bag I did NOT take X back to the store the next morning still in his feet pajamas in order to "re shop" my bag of items - NOT ME, I dress my child before leaving the house.

  • I did NOT have to say to X 15 times this week, "Don't lick the floor vents, that's gross!" - NOT ME, my child is not one of those types of kids.

  • After a particular challenging night with X when he ended up in our bed and still didn't sleep for 3 1/2 hours I did NOT sit up in bed, in the dark, and yell out "Stop pulling my hair or I'm going to go crazy" - NOT ME, I'm too calm, cool, and collected in dealing with my child for that.

  • I am NOT addicted to reading blogs lately and spend a good majority of X's naps (OK, and some awake time too) reading about other's lives - NOT ME, my life is interesting enough on it's own.
Leave me a comment with a Not Me Monday of your own or join in on your blog if you have one.

Happy Monday!


mommaof4wife2r said...

i say to myslef many times a day, "i never thought i'd have to say things like that..." but i do. so funny!! and my bloggy friends have become really a great part of my life. so if it's bad, i'm going for it! nice to meet you.

Keyona said...

With the prices of food rising, it could be possible to spend 45 bucks on ONLY 2 bags of food. :o)

Leah said...

You're a geniune Blogging Mama! Welcome!

Curryba said...

oh i love this. yours are so funny. here's me: i am so NOT one of those moms who just let their babies wake up all the time at night for months and months. it would NOT be correct to say about my 8-month-old that he has only slept 8 hours in a row once in his entire life (unless i got up and fed him in the middle of that one 8-hour stretch and then just forgot about it by the next morning). that would NOT be a true thing to say about my baby b/c i am a GOOD MOTHER and when you've got a good mother around the baby just naturally starts sleeping all night, it's that easy.

also, i did NOT read several novels recently when i could well have gotten a good start on my part-time work for this month, and then have to do the whole project within a few days at the last minute when unfortunately i was also at the same time flattened by what felt like (still feels like) the flu. i may have procrastinated a lot in college, but i am not a college student anymore. I am an Adult. Adults know how to Use their Time Wisely.

besides that, i did NOT just give my baby his first little jar of storebought baby food after giving him little bits of stuff like steamed carrots and roast beef every day for the past two months, and then see him express the most amazing delight and excitement over the storebought baby food as if it was the best thing he had ever tasted. if he could talk, he would NOT be saying, "Mom! why have you been holding out on me on this delicious pureed stuff?? don't you think you might have gotten a little carried away by what you read about introducing solids on Ask Moxie? can we please have pureed foods every day now?"

thanks for sharing the fun Nina! Happy Thanksgiving!

Nutty Mom said...

great "not me's". I love your info about trying to figure out this parenting thing one day at a time. That's the only way to do it I say!