Friday, October 31, 2008

Spectacular Carvings

When we took X to the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago we each got our own pumpkin. They are somewhat proportional to each person, although Walter thinks his is a little distorted and claims he's not that much bigger than me! So last night we got out our little pumpkin carving kit and went to work. I think they turned out great and can't wait to put them on the porch tonight.
Walter was hard at work on his Browning Logo (that's a brand of hunting gear for you non-outdoor folks)

I got set to light them up for a test run.

Here's our little pumpkin family!

Xavier wanted his picture with the pumpkins since he was a good boy while we carved.

The candy is bought, the costume is ready, the pumpkins are carved.....we're just waiting for it to get dark out now!

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