Friday, October 31, 2008

Spectacular Carvings

When we took X to the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago we each got our own pumpkin. They are somewhat proportional to each person, although Walter thinks his is a little distorted and claims he's not that much bigger than me! So last night we got out our little pumpkin carving kit and went to work. I think they turned out great and can't wait to put them on the porch tonight.
Walter was hard at work on his Browning Logo (that's a brand of hunting gear for you non-outdoor folks)

I got set to light them up for a test run.

Here's our little pumpkin family!

Xavier wanted his picture with the pumpkins since he was a good boy while we carved.

The candy is bought, the costume is ready, the pumpkins are carved.....we're just waiting for it to get dark out now!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Evenings

We have had some really nice fall evenings here lately so we decided to let X get some practice walking in the yard. He's still a bit unsteady in the grass and doesn't quite know what to do when the ground isn't perfectly level.

Here I go....

Yep, I'm on the move....

Darn -- I fell!

Here I go again.....

Ok guys, I'm tired now.

And of course I had to get in a few shots of me and my favorite boy! We had a good setup on the porch with our mums and pumpkins. Can I just say how much I love FALL!!!! It's so pretty and inviting.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Let's Play in the Cabinets

Now that Xavier is walking he thinks he owns the place. His new favorite spot to play is in the kitchen cabinets. He pulled a glass bowl out of one and proceeded to just push it around the kitchen floor. Needless to say we now have those baby locks on, but this was the scene a few days ago.....

Let me see what's in here ??

Oh, pots and pans. Maybe I'll cook something, or just pull them onto the floor!

Oh no, I've been caught!

Fleeing the scene of the crime
I've been told it's a good idea to let babies have 1 drawer or cabinet that they can play in that has things that won't hurt them. This sounded smart, so we do have 1 cabinet that holds the water bottles and some other plastic containers that has been dubbed as his. Guess I just need to remember to wash something first if I want to use it and it's from that cabinet!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Little More Sleep

I got a 5:15am wake up call from X the other morning. Clearly he was still tired, but had no interest in being put back in his crib all alone. After I fed him I decided just to bring him in with me. Walter had already left for work so it was just the 2 of us. After about 15 minutes of my child spinning in circles to get situated, here's how he ended up.

Doesn't that look comfy -- booty in the air and laying on your arm! Like the jammies? Got those for a dollar at the Goodwill - a little retro looking but they do the trick! X then caught me with the camera. He popped right up after his extra 40 minute snooze and was ready to start his day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The weather has been quite confusing around here lately. The leaves are turning, but earlier this week it was still 80 degrees out. But, who said you can't play in the leaves in shorts??
Let's see what this leaf tastes like!

I'm not sure I like this stuff on my hands.

Playing in leaves is great! I feel so free!

Uncle Brett played with me!

And yes, Xavier refused to look at the camera for any of these photos. Darn kiddo!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkins Galore

This afternoon we took Xavier to his first pumpkin patch. We had a blast and there were lots of things to do, even for someone who's not even a year old. There was a playground, animals, wagons, a band, and of course pumkins to see!! There will be even more stuff to do next year when X is bigger (he's a little small for pony rides and hay mazes, ya know!). My intent was to get some really nice fall shots with longs sleeves and such, but it was 80 degrees today so it was short sleeves all around! I did put jeans on X to at least try to make it look like fall!

We started off on the swing.
Then moved on to see the turkeys.
Xavier took a ride on the slide....a little fast!
He liked standing in the little log cabin.
Daddy, I think I can drive this tractor! Playing in the "Kettle of Wheat" (that's right, it's wheat, not sand - not as messy!)
Petting a sheep.
Picking out a good one!
Ok guys, I got the pumpkins, let's go!
Our attempt at a family photo
Being the excited mom, I took about 75 pictures, so these are just a few. There was so much to look at that we had a really hard time persuading Xavier to look at the camera. All in all we had a great time look forward to returning next year!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another Day of Walking

Well, Xavier woke up this morning and he remembered that he had learned to walk yesterday. That's good news! So, we practiced some more throughout the day. Here are a few pictures as promised. Unfortunately they are not real good. I didn't realize a moving target is a lot harder to shoot (especially with my frustrating camera!). Oh well, since he'll be walking for many years to come I'm sure I'll get some better action shots.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It's official....... Xavier is walking. He's still not really crawling, but more of a scooting on his belly type thing lately. Xavier's been cruising around the furniture with greater speed lately and LOVES to walk behind his push cart.
This morning he left the cart and took 2 steps to the loveseat. I was excited and though that means in the next fews days he'll take a few more steps here and there. Well, tonight Walter and I were sitting on the floor across from each other and Xavier took about 5 or so steps. Within about 10 minutes he was up to 21 steps and walking completely across the living room! It was so exciting for us. He can't stand up on his own without the help of someone or some furniture, but if you get him standing he'll take off. The funny thing is he likes to clap his hands while he walks.

Needless to say it was an exciting evening at the Deeken house. I'll try and get a few pictures tomorrow of his new skill!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Geek Squad

Meet the newest member of the Geek Squad. Call us if your printer is broke and we'll send Xavier right over. Let me have a look at this.....

I found the problem. You took out all the paper so I wouldn't eat it!