Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Whole Lotta Random Goin On

Thought I'd share the pics I just downloaded from my camera and phone. They really have nothing in common but oh well. My life is just kind of randomness lately anyway :)

I wanted to cry over this spilled bowl of cereal. The culprit...that little stick horse you see on the left. Wes was toolin around the kitchen with it, lifted it up, and did a swipe across the countertop catching the cereal bowl. Being on your hands and knees this pregnant to wipe up sticky milk is not my idea of a good start to the day :(

The boys got another chance to see some big trucks at a golf tournament that Walter's mom was working at. They think the thing to do now is sit on the step and have your picture taken since we did it so many times at the truck show last weekend. So they just walked right over and started saying "cheese".

After admiring and sitting on my dad's tractor many times, the boys finally got a chance to help cut the grass. Lots of fun!

 On Father's Day Walter wanted to take X fishing in the backyard after nap. Wes came out to watch too. X isn't the most patient of people so he was kind of more interested in playing with Walter's cup of water than casting a line. But he LOVED holding the worms. For the record they caught 2 little sunfish!

What does a good big brother do when his little brother is running a fever? He sits on the couch with him (can you notice X has his arm around Wes) and goes comatose for an episode of Curious George.

1 comment:

dklicata said...

I think since they don't watch tv that much, they get that "stare" in their eyes when they do. I have a similar pic from today of them eating lunch watching Clifford - I'll send it to you.
What little angels we have!