Saturday, November 1, 2008

First Halloween

Xavier celebrated his very first Halloween dressed as a froggy. Unfortunately it was about 60 degrees here so his velour costume didn't last long before he broke out in a sweat. Who knew? On the up side he did keep the hood on which is a major accomplishment these days. Lately he's had no interest in anything being on his head. The evening started out with a black and orange dinner (squash, black beans, and peaches!) then it was time to get dressed. Grandparents arrived to see our little froggy before he headed out trick or treating to a few houses.
The green family (this was a coincidence!)

It's not easy being GREEN!

Trick -or -Treatin in my stroller!

Mommy helped me get the good candy!

I love the pumpkin Daddy made for me!

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