Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hello Again

My mom posted a comment recently that she wished that I would blog again. Apparently seeing my kids on a weekly basis in person isn't enough :) It was a good reminder though. I miss the blog, but it's hard to fit everything in lately.

So, I'll give it a shot again and see what happens. But don't hold me to it!

What better way to catch up than some photo dumps! Get ready.......

The boys dyed eggs for Easter this year. I think our egg dying kid was junk though because they all turned out pastel instead of fun bright colors. But the kids had a good time. 
 The Easter Bunny (Craigslist!) brought the boys a HUGE Buzz Lightyear with it's own remote control. Wowza, you should have seen their faces light up that morning.
 Elliott got in a little Easter football game that afternoon.

At 3 1/2 Wes is still a pretty good napper. He can go without a nap for a few days, but still operates at peak performance if he gets a little shut eye during the day. 

 We eat at Chick-fil-a a lot. This is a classic pic of the boys because it depicts their randomness so well. Mouths open, finger in the nose, looking past the camera with a blank stare, etc.
 I posted this one on Facebook awhile ago. it was a special moment because the boys were not only doing something fun, but they were getting along. It's no secret that Wes and Elliott have a tense relationship, so it was wonderful to witness a little teamwork :)

I had a rare opportunity one weekend to spend and entire day with just Elliott while Walter took the boys overnight to his mom's  (turkey hunting weekend I think??) It was really special and I enjoyed the low-key day and the chance to soak up my sweet baby boy  and his fun personality without any other distractions. One kid = soooo easy!!!

In the middle of May we did a Fire Station tour as a playdate with our MOPS group.

 Then came home for a nap!

to be continued........

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Because I was Tired of Looking at the Picture of That Stupid Squash

Who knows when or if I will get back to blogging. But enough of the squash pic being at the front of the blog :)