Saturday, July 28, 2012

Geen Bike

Wesley now has his very own big boy bike. He calls it his "geen" (green) bike. It's actually more blue than green, but, ya know, whatever makes him happy.

This bike, like all good things, was a hand me down from our neighbors. Walter put on a set of training wheels and Wes was off and riding. I'm amazed that at 2 1/2 the kid can ride a bike like this.

He LOVES it!  (And normally he does wear a helmet. I'm not a bad mom, I promise)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

First Birthday

We had our family over for dinner to celebrate E's first birthday. We kept it simple with sandwiches and pizza. I didn't have it in me to do a big first birthday party (sorry E !)

When you can't talk and you have older siblings you don't get much say in your birthday cake. Xavier and Wes decided that Elliott needed a Super Why Carrot Applesauce cake. So that's what we made. I had plans to make a really need shaped cake, but, well, it just didn't turn out. This is still cute though. And Elliott seemed to like it. Die-hard Super Why fans will notice though that due to my computer running out of blue ink at the worst time ever, Super Why printed out mostly yellow and purple instead of green and blue. (It really just wasn't my day when it came to the cake making).

Elliott liked his smash cake. He only ended up actually eating a few bites though. 

After a quick bath in the sink and some jammies, the boys helped (took over) Elliott open a few gifts.

E's actual birthday was the next day. I put up a birthday curtain for our little guy. My friend Sara's mom used to do this on her kids' bedroom doors when it was their birthday. I always thought it was soooo cool. My boys seemed to like it too.

X and Wes polished off the rest of the cake for breakfast and we sang Happy Birthday again. 

That afternoon Elliott played with the box of his new toy. 

While Xavier completely took over the actual toy. We had to have a little talk about who's birthday gift it was.

Happy Birthday E Baby!!!! We love you :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

An Interview with Wesley

We had a little fun tonight interviewing our favorite 2 1/2 year old  :)

What is your name? Wes-wey Joseph
How old are you? Let me go see what time it is
What is your favorite color? "Geen"
How many toes do you have? They are all mine. These are my feets to walk.
Where do you live? At your house
Where do you like to go?  Playground
And after the playground?  Aunt Donna's to see Tallulah puppy and Chuck
What do you like to do at the playground? Go down the slide
What do you like to eat? "Geen" spaghetti and "geen" beans
What toys do you like to play with? My light up shoes
What do you like to watch on TV? Diego
What kind of ice cream do you like? Chocolate
What makes you happy? Birthday cake
What makes you sad? Fighting with each other and people going in time out
Who is your best friend? Xavier
What is your favorite thing to do? Put Xavier in timeout
What do you like to do outside? Ride my new "geen" bike
Where do you want to work when you get bigger? When I get big I can have coffee.
What kind of animals are at the zoo? Lion, Froggie, Mommy Froggie and a Baby Froggie, and You
How old is daddy? 2 years old
How old is mommy? 2..3..and you old
How do you get to the pool? Get in the car, turn the key on, and drive drive drive and then the pool. 
How can you be a helper? make coffee and tea, and green tea
What do you do after you make tea? I sing Little Einsteins
What is love? Love means this (goes and gives daddy a hug)

And he didn't sit still for a SECOND of this interview. He was tumbling around all over the rug while talking to us. Ha! That's our sweet little boy :)

Friday, July 6, 2012


Whew....I think I'm finally all caught up on my blogging. And if not, well, I'm tired and I don't remember anything else so that's pretty much all you're gonna get - ha!


Last night Xavier was going to spend the night with my parents. We told him at 11am that he was going at noon. So of course for the next hour he told me ever 20 seconds that he was ready to go to grandmas. He loves it there. When i dropped him off he said "mommy, you can go home now" and wanted me gone so he could have his one on one time with grandma. They had a blast all afternoon, refilling her coffee trays, making angel food cake, going to the ice cream store with the neighbors, playing in grandpa's sprinklers, etc. Before bed we did "Face time" with X. Walter, Wes, and I were all together talking to him.

And something about that Face time call was just too much for him. When we finished up our talk and got off the phone X told grandma he was done eating his snack, his tummy hurt, and he was ready to go home. He told grandma, "My mommy misses me."  She tried to change his mind, but nothing worked.

My little boy was homesick after seeing us all on Face time.

So, my mom drove him home and I put him to bed here.

There is a part of me that is happy that he wanted to be with us and feels such comfort in our home. But the other part was kind of aggravated because I was enjoying the break from X and Wes arguing and having one less child to care for for a little bit. But it just wasn't meant to be.....

I tell ya, just when I think I might have this kid figured out, he always seems to change it up on me.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Power Posting

It's been over a month since I've posted. There's been lots going on. I'm so behind! The plan (plan being the optimal word) is to do a marathon of postings the next few days. I'm gonna back date them to keep chronologically correct.

So for those that care, make sure to go back to the start of June so you don't miss anything! we go!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Another Photo Dump

Catching up on all this posting is leaving me a bit tapped out on the fancy storytelling. So I bring you yet another photo dump of random stuff.

The many faces of my boys. I swear the 2nd one of Wes looks like a mugshot!

Wes decided one night that he wanted to take "big ol bunny" to bed with him. Ha! He looks tiny compared to that stuffed animal monstrosity.

I made this fruit pizza for our bible study dessert recently. YUM YUM!!! It was so good.

The sign of a fun morning.  

Xavier was so tired one afternoon he fell sound asleep while eating an apple and peanut butter. Can you see the piece of apple hanging out of the side of his mouth??

Elliott looking a little fearful. He's smart. Wesley was pulling the wagon, and you just never know what might happen!

Elliott LOVES to play with the little kitchen. He's very partial to chewing on the celery and waving forks around. 

Wes tried to convince me to get him this soccer ball chair the other day while we were at a furniture store. It was cute, but about the last thing I needed to bring home. He kept saying "We can take this to our house mommy."

I'm in the process of redoing my bedroom from top to bottom (more on that soon). I was going to use this Eiffel tower lamp from my grandma, but it was too tall for the space. So X decided it would make a great garage for his cars. He had them hanging all over it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Elliott on the Move

At right around 10 months old Elliott started crawling. This was an amazing accomplishment for him because he had become so frustrated with just sitting somewhere (read: lots of whining and crying). Once he figured out he could move himself his world, and his mood, greatly increased. A few weeks later, right as he turned 11 months Elliott started walking. This has delighted Elliott (and mommy) beyond words. He walks all over the house now, back and forth with his arms in the air or waving an object around. He loves it!!!! And it's so great to see him happily exploring.

Here's a little video collection of his progress....


And unfortunately when you have a big brother who's feeling sassy sometimes this happens. Poor little E.